Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Well, well, well. Every so often there is a story of some border jumper throwing rocks at the United States Border Patrol. Most of the time the genius rock thrower gets away as he runs back across the border into his own country. Sometimes, though, the jackass rock thrower gets a little justice from an unhappy Border Agent. This is one of those times. Apparently this is happening increasingly more often and apparently U.S. law enforcement don't like it too damn much. This brain surgeon hit a Border Patrol officer with a rock in the freaking head. Border Patrol Agent is not pleased and returns fire with his weapon and rock thrower dies. Nice. How many alien invaders must be shot and killed before they figure out that the only times rock wins is when some dumbass throws down the scissors? Rock don't beat rifle, fucktard. Yeah, eat it.
Saturday, December 23, 2006
I'll Bring The Marshmallows
The next time some jackass piece of shit decides to set himself on fire after burning a Christmas tree and an American flag, he should call me because a little more planning and the job could have been completed. The pussy ass flag burning, Christian hating, bag of fuck should have let someone know and we could have kept the fire extenguishers away and just had an old fashioned marshmallow roast. Maybe make some motherfucking smores. Yeah, I like smores. But I hate commie assheads. Rot in hell shitbag. Oh, and Merry Christmas!
Thursday, December 21, 2006
More Than Meets The Eye
If you are a guy who grew up in the 80's there are some cool ass toys that have just been made into a movie. The Transformers. Good news? I'm not sure yet but I know it looks very interesting, could be really cool. The Transformers were some cool ass toys. All kinds of cars, trucks, planes, tanks, motorcycles, and other cool shit that turn into freaking robots and fight each other. How fucking cool is that? Yeah, so maybe the movie will be cool or it will suck shit. The trailer is kind of weird to me because they pull that crap where they don't show the Transformers clearly. They camera pans away or the screen goes dark and another image appears. Its kinda bullshit, but I guess its supposed to suspensfull, mysterious marketing shite. So, the trailer is here at WWTD (which is a fucking hilarious site).
Monday, December 18, 2006
The Worst Nightmare Ever.
Scary shit. I read this article about some woman who has some rare disease that may be the most horrible sickness ever imagined. Is it some terrible flesh eating bacteria? No. Is it some kind of deadly slow killing virus? Is it something that makes you shit your pants uncontrollably? No. This rare disease has caused this woman to believe she is French. NOOOOO! Not that! How could this be! What kind of sick ass disease is this? Is this some twisted fucking joke? I can't even begin to imagine worse shit than waking up and thinking I was French. I would hammer a No.2 pencil, eraser first, up my fucking nose just to try and erase the thought from my disease ridden brain. Of course I wouldn't succeed because I would think I was French and would involuntarily surrender before anyone got hurt. Wow. I almost feel sorry for the dumb bitch. But she did live in France for a time. Dumbass.
Reap it whore.
Reap it whore.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
A good time at the Waffle House
Wow! This is an amazing, incredible story of ignorant jackassery at its motherfucking finest. Yeah, come on!
For those who like everything summarized for them, this crazy bitch tries to light a cigarette with a pistol and hilarity ensues! But back up a second, hoss. This chick was already on a white trash roll. As far as I can decifer from the poorly written article, the fun started at a local Waffle House (I know, really) where said crazy chick slapped some guy in the face three times(once is never enough with you women) for inappropriately touching her from behind. Several witnesses deny seeing anyone touch The Crazy One's rear. So apparently Crazy gets arrested and released a short time later.
After the Waffle House altercation and catch and release by the cops, Crazy goes to stay with some friends at the local 'Best Western' where crazy tries to light a cigarette with what she believes is one of them there fancy pistol shaped lighters that one finds in high class truck stops across America. But guess what Crazy? That lighter isn't shaped like a pistol, it is a pistol. A .22 caliber pistol that if used in the same fashion as a lighter will shoot a bullet through your motherfucking hand, dumbass! Yeah! Nice move, slick. Of course this happened in Georgia. Thanks, you crazy bitch, we needed the good publicity. Damn. Eat it whores.
For those who like everything summarized for them, this crazy bitch tries to light a cigarette with a pistol and hilarity ensues! But back up a second, hoss. This chick was already on a white trash roll. As far as I can decifer from the poorly written article, the fun started at a local Waffle House (I know, really) where said crazy chick slapped some guy in the face three times(once is never enough with you women) for inappropriately touching her from behind. Several witnesses deny seeing anyone touch The Crazy One's rear. So apparently Crazy gets arrested and released a short time later.
After the Waffle House altercation and catch and release by the cops, Crazy goes to stay with some friends at the local 'Best Western' where crazy tries to light a cigarette with what she believes is one of them there fancy pistol shaped lighters that one finds in high class truck stops across America. But guess what Crazy? That lighter isn't shaped like a pistol, it is a pistol. A .22 caliber pistol that if used in the same fashion as a lighter will shoot a bullet through your motherfucking hand, dumbass! Yeah! Nice move, slick. Of course this happened in Georgia. Thanks, you crazy bitch, we needed the good publicity. Damn. Eat it whores.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Remember when Americans were tough?
Rules of engagement. Simplified to the most basic of answers. That is the reason that America has not completely triumphed in Iraq. The United States of America has the greatest, most badass military in the world and there is not one single conflict that could not be won if our people were not saddled with the spineless majority of Americans holding them back. When World War II was fought, our country got behind the men of our armed services and supported the war effort and the men fighting the war. Now, half the country whines like pussy ass bed-wetters and are more worried about the rights of the enemy than the lives of the men and women who stand up for their right to be pathetic ass commie lovers. Don't believe me? The patriots at Blackfive have some advice for the American public straight from the source. The men and women with boots on the ground. Read it here.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Someone We Should Know
One of my daily read sites is the highly informative mil-blog site Blackfive. It is a really cool site with a great group of contributors from different branches of the U.S. military. Periodically Blackfive has a feature titled "Someone you should know" and it tells the story of someone in the military that should be recognized and heralded for their actions. There are some very fucking impressive stories and this one is among the best and most impressive. If you bothered to read this far, click the fucking link and read the tale of Marine First lieutenant Brian Chontosh because it is inspiring and courageous and you owe him a couple minutes. Brian Chontosh kills people who want to kill you. Take the time to learn about a brave Marine that we should all give our heartfelt thanks. The short version starts here: "and out the door Brian Chontosh bailed, carrying an M16 and a Beretta and 228 years of Marine Corps pride." Brian continues on to kill 20 or so terrorists and wound as many or more who were attacking his platoon's convoy. Wow. Brave or crazy (maybe a little of both - he is a Marine) this is some crazy badass shit. Brian was awarded the Navy Cross, which is the second highest combat award the U.S. Navy has to offer. Awesome. This is someone we should all know. One of the many stories you will never hear on the nightly news. There are good things to be reported, it's too bad the mainstream media outlets aren't doing more of these kinds of stories. The men and women serving in a warzone for our country deserve the recognition they are proudly earning. Thanks Brian. You definitely rock.
A day which will live in Infamy
Today is Pearl Harbor Day. On December 7, 1941 the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor without provocation and awakened the sleeping giant. Two thousand four hundred Americans died in the attack. A lot of people don't realize how many people died that day and many don't even know today is Pearl Harbor Day. The great Winston Churchill said after the attack: "so we have won after all!". Churchill knew that since the Japanese had attacked the U.S.A the war would escalate and with the Americans help all was not lost, because Americans kick some motherfucking ass! Americans should never forget and should take a moment to remember the brave men and women who fought in World War II defeating the evil axis powers.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Ho, Ho, Ho
Well, I guess its that time of year where people feel guilty about the way they live and decide to "adopt" a family or some other generous act. I will tell you that I think it is bullshit. If it is so important to give and be generous during the "Holiday Season," then why not give the rest of the fucking year. Don't get me wrong, I think that charity can be a good thing, I just take exception to this "give from the heart" rhetoric that runs rampant every year. Fuck you--if we were truly giving from the heart, then why is it only during Christmas and Thanksgiving that we do?
As such, I am content to remain a complete fucking prick yet again this season. I will remain true to my pledge of loathing the rest of humanity all year. However angry and bitter this may sound to you, I will only say that I am being a fucking jerk for the right reason--BECAUSE THAT IS WHO I AM.
As such, I am content to remain a complete fucking prick yet again this season. I will remain true to my pledge of loathing the rest of humanity all year. However angry and bitter this may sound to you, I will only say that I am being a fucking jerk for the right reason--BECAUSE THAT IS WHO I AM.