Friday, March 23, 2007

Corporal Dunham gets a destroyer

Previously we all discussed the unparalleled bravery, courage and sacrifice of Marine Corporal Jason Dunham, Medal of Honor recipient. The Navy has decided to name a fast attack destroyer after Jason. Awesome. The U.S. government does get a few things right. This is a really cool thing and an unprecedented honor to bestow upon the young Corporal because it's only been three years since he died. It usually takes former United States Presidents about 20 years to get a ship named after them. So good job to the Navy and congratulations to the Dunham family for raising a son that grew into a man that all Americans can and should honor. Jason Dunham is a man that should be remembered. Hopefully this destroyer will be destroying stuff for a long time and people will remenber and honor his name. Hooah.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Single Brain Cell Parents

I noticed something lately about people who are single parents and really about both parents no matter who has full custody. Ignorant pride. Yeah, it's good to be proud of yourself for accomplishing certain things in life. Things you should be proud of, moron. I see people who boast about being a single parent and how stubbornly, ingnorantly proud they are too. Like they worked real hard to fuck someone without using birth control and conceived a child that neither party planned or wants. Yeah, that's some awesome fucking logic fucktard.

Being a single parent isn't anything to be proud of because you failed dumbass. You failed the relationship that spawned the child and you failed the child by not providing two full time parents. Be proud of being a good parent, but not a single parent. There is a difference. Don't brag about how hard you work as a single parent and how tough life is as a single parent. Just be a good parent to your child and don't fucking teach them that being a single parent is an ideal situation to be raising children. The ideal situation is to have two parents, living together, raising children together. It's ok that you fucked up, everyone fucks up sometime. But don't try to turn it around like you are some fucking hero parent who toughs it out by going through raising your child alone. You are not a fucking hero, shitbird. So shut up about that shit and put some shoes on that kid.

Eat it whores.