Saturday, October 28, 2006

Fingers Crossed

Web rage? What the fuck. Why does everything need to have rage attached to it? If someone beats the crap out of another person of course there was rage involved. Why does one victim deserve more or less justice for the crime perpetrator than another victim because of the criminal's motivation? Because someone is a minority or because a cute little label has altered the crime's description more sentencing is needed? Murder, assault, mayhem, or any violent crime does not have the outcome altered by segregating the victims and labeling identical crimes differently based on feelings or motivation. This dude got beat the fuck up. So, punish the criminal the same as if he beat up someone because they called him an asshole, or he didn't like their race, religion, sexual orientation, or whatever. The lesson to be learned here is keep plenty of friends around if you plan on insulting people online who may be able to track you down. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Come on over. Make sure you don't bring a knife to my gunfight.


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